What to do When you Need Emergency Dental Services in Silver Spring, MD

Knowing what to do when accidents happen, and emergency dental services are needed in Silver Spring, MD can mean the difference between saving or losing a tooth. Accidents occur, and when they do, you can be sure to trust Dr. Rezaiyan at Spring Dental Associates in Silver Spring, MD for all your emergency dental services. Dr. Razaiyan’s practice offers same-day emergency dental services Monday through Saturday.

Common Dental Emergencies

  • What do you do if your tooth gets knocked out?

For a permanent or adult tooth, keep it moist at all times. If possible, place the tooth back into the socket avoiding touching the root of the tooth. Otherwise, put it between your cheek and gums, in milk, or use a tooth preservation product that has the ADA Seal of Acceptance. Call your dentist right away for emergency dental services in Silver Spring, MD.

  • What do you do when your child’s tooth gets knocked out?

If the tooth is a baby tooth, find the tooth and keep it moist and get to your dentist. Your dentist will decide rather emergency dental services will be needed to implant the tooth. If it is an adult tooth, follow step 1. Call your dentist.

  • What to do if you crack your tooth?

Immediately rinse your mouth with warm water to clean the area. Put cold compresses on the face to keep swelling down. Call your dentist.

  • What if you bite your tongue, lip?

Clean the area with warm water and apply a cold compress. See your Silver Spring, MD dentist as soon as possible.

  • What if you think you broke your jaw?

Apply cold compresses to control the swelling. Get to your dentist or a hospital in Silver Spring, MD for emergency dental services immediately.

  • What if you have an object that gets stuck in your teeth?

Try to remove it gently with dental floss. Do not use a sharp or pointed instrument. If you are not able to remove the object, you should see your local dentist in Silver Spring, MD because the item might become painful or infected.

It is best always to have dental floss on hand in case something gets caught in your tooth. A Save-a-Tooth emergency tooth preservation kit is also something you might want to add to your first aid kit.

Whenever you are in need of emergency dental services in Silver Spring, MD, be sure to call Spring Dental Associates @ 301-565-2247. If an accident occurs and your dental office is not open, visit your local emergency room.

What Constitutes For an Emergency Dentist Visit in Silver Spring, MD?

Having an emergency dentist that you can depend on in Silver Spring, MD is important for you and your family. Even though you may visit your dentist twice a year for your dental checkups and cleanings, you also want to know that your dentist can handle emergency visits as well. Dr. Rezaiyan at Spring Dental Associates in Silver Spring, MD has office hours that accommodate most of their patient’s schedule and also same day emergency visits.

A Silver Spring, MD emergency dentist should be able to provide the following dental emergencies:

A knocked-out tooth requires urgent attention to be able to save the tooth. If the appropriate steps are followed as soon as the tooth is knocked out, the chances are very good that the tooth can be reinserted and persevered by your emergency dentist in Silver Spring, MD.

  • Do not touch the root of the tooth. Pick up the tooth up by the crown, the top of the tooth.
  • Rinse off the tooth gently, so it is clean. Do not scrub or remove any tissue that is still attached to your tooth. When rinsing make sure to place a towel or wash rag in the sink, so you don’t lose the tooth down the drain.
  • If possible, place the tooth back into the socket and bite down. If not possible, place the tooth in a cup of milk, or a small container if milk isn’t available.
  • Call your emergency dentist in Silver Spring, MD immediately so you can get an appointment.

A chipped tooth that is not hurting or swelling doesn’t constitute for an emergency dentist. These accidental dental mishaps can wait a few days until your dentist in Silver Springs, MD can see you. Your dentist may be able to smooth out the chip or add composite filling to repair the tooth.

A cracked or fractured tooth is a serious problem and does constitute an emergency visit to your dentist in Silver Spring, MD. Call your emergency dentist immediately and follow these steps:

  • Gently rinse your mouth with warm water.
  • If you experienced a facial trauma, apply a cold compress to the area to minimize swelling.

If the pulp of the tooth is damaged, you might need a root canal, or if not, you may only need a crown. Depending on the emergency dentist you go to and rather he has a lab to make your crown, you might have to wear a temporary crown until the lab can make you a permanent crown.

If the tooth can’t be saved, the emergency dentist will suggest options to replace the tooth such as a dental implant or a bridge.

For all your preventive dental care and emergency needs, call Dr. Rezaiyan at Spring Dental Associates in Silver Spring, MD.

How to Prepare for an Emergency Dentist Visit near Takoma Park, MD

Emergency Dentist Serving Takoma Park, MD

Most dentists near Takoma Park, MD know that dental emergencies happen and are prepared to have a few openings available to assist most emergencies for their patients. Dr. Rezaiyan, the emergency dentist at Spring Dental Associates near Takoma Park, MD, is just one of those dentists with hours to accommodate most emergency problems but knowing what to do if involved in an accident can mean the difference between saving or losing a tooth.

Dental Emergency? Try this.

  • Knocked out permanent tooth—Keep the tooth moist at all times until you can get in to see your emergency dentist near Takoma Park, MD. Try to place it back into the socket without touching the root of the tooth if possible. If not, place it between your cheek and your gums, in milk, or use a tooth preservation product that you can get from your dentist in case of an emergency.
  • Cracked tooth—Rinse mouth immediately with warm water to clean the area. Use cold compresses on your face to keep swelling down.
  • Biting the tongue or lip—Clean the area with water and apply a cold compress for swelling.
  • Toothaches—Rinse mouth with warm water and gently use dental floss to remove food caught between teeth. Do not put an aspirin on the tooth or gum.

For all dental emergencies call your Takoma Park, MD emergency dentist as soon as possible. Your emergency dentist will advise you what you need to do and when he can see you. Even if you are in no pain, it is still best to see your emergency dentist as quickly as you can so that the problem does not get any worse and develop into a highly painful situation.

Avoid These to Prevent Dental Emergencies

  • Avoid chewing on ice, hard candy, and popcorn kernels. These foods can crack a tooth.
  • Never use your teeth for scissors or to cut things with.
  • For certain sports or recreational activities played near Takoma Park, MD, be sure to wear a mouth guard to protect from damaging a tooth.

At the onset of any dental accident near Takoma Park, MD, make sure to call your emergency dentist office so your dentist, Dr. Rezaiyan, can work you into his busy schedule at Spring Dental Associates.

How an Emergency Dentist near Takoma Park, MD Can be a Lifesaver

Emergency Dentist Takoma Park, MD

Have you ever been faced with finding an emergency dentist near Takoma Park, MD? Having an emergency dentist at your mercy near Takoma Park, MD like Dr. Rezaiyan, a dentist at Spring Dental Associates, can be a lifesaver if you are ever in extreme pain from a severe toothache or other unforeseen issues including an accident.

When you are suffering from any kind of dental related pain, you most likely are unable to eat or drink well and possibly can not do your job. Some people would say that dental pain is one of the highest rated types of pain. It can be extremely painful when your mouth is pounding with an intense throbbing sensation.

Taking good care of your teeth and gums can protect you in many ways from having to see an emergency dentist, but some dental issues just happen such as:

  • A toothache is probably one of the #1 reasons you might need an emergency dentist near Takoma Park, MD. Try rinsing your mouth using warm water and call your emergency dentist as soon as possible so that they can work you in between other patients who had scheduled appointments.
  • A chipped or broken tooth is second in line when needing to see an emergency dentist near Takoma Park, MD. Biting down on something too hard or hitting a tooth can cause it to chip or break. Use a cold compress to help alleviate pain and keep the swelling down. Call your emergency dentist as soon as possible.
  • Losing a tooth is a serious matter. Always try to find the tooth. Make sure to clean off the tooth gently with warm water and do not brush the tooth because you could damage the tissue. Try placing it into the socket or keep it in milk until you get to your emergency dentist near Takoma Park, MD. Go immediately to an emergency dentist. If you wait too long, you might not be able to save the tooth.
  • A lost filling or crown are common reasons you might need an emergency dentist near Takoma Park, MD.
  • An abscessed tooth can be extremely painful. It is important to see your emergency dentist, so the infection does not get any worse. Rinse your mouth with a light salt water solution to keep it clean until you can see your emergency dentist near Takoma Park, MD.

Going to see your dentist near Takoma Park, MD regularly for all your checkups and treatments are important to avoid most preventable emergency visits, but even at that, accidents do happen. Dr. Rezaiyan, at Spring Dental Associates near Takoma Park, MD, is an emergency dentist you can depend on for most emergency issues.

When to Seek Emergency Dental Services in Silver Spring, MD

It’s important to know the kinds of injuries that require emergency dental services in Silver Spring, MD so you can be sure your family’s teeth are well taken care of and so you can avoid unnecessary visits to the emergency room. As you know, accidents can happen anytime and anywhere. Some injuries may require immediate attention, while other could wait for your dentist’s normal business hours in Silver Spring, MD.

Some familiar types of mouth injuries include:

  • Cracked, chipped or broken tooth caused by biting on something hard, being hit in the mouth, falling, or a cavity that has weakened the tooth
  • Sports-related injury or another type of accident
  • Broken jaw
  • Knocked out tooth

A cracked tooth or chipped tooth can usually wait for a call to your dentist; it all depends on the severity of the injury. It may look fine but hurts when you eat or drink something hot or cold. You may have damaged a nerve or blood vessel.

If you broke your tooth and a large piece is missing you should seek emergency dental services. Until you get to the dentist office In Silver Spring, MD, you should rinse your mouth with warm water; apply pressure with a piece of gauze, if bleeding, for about 10 minutes or until bleeding stops. If that doesn’t work, use a tea bag with pressure on the area that is bleeding. Take over the counter pain reliever if you are experiencing any pain. Your dentist may suggest a root canal if the tooth’s nerve has been damaged.

If you have a knocked-out tooth, a permanent (adult) tooth not a baby tooth, in most cases, it can be replanted into your mouth. If your tooth gets completely knocked out, you should seek emergency dental services. These are some things you can do to preserve the tooth which will give you a better chance of having your tooth replanted and saved.

First Aid for a Knocked Out Tooth

  1. Bring the tooth to your dentist as soon as possible.
  2. Hold the tooth only by the crown (the chewing edge).
  3. Try placing the tooth back into the hole where the tooth fell out; level with your other teeth. Take a piece of gauze or a wet tea bag and place over the tooth, bite down gently to keep in place. Be careful so that you do not swallow the tooth.
  4. If you can’t place it back into your mouth, put the tooth into a container covered by a small amount of cow’s milk or saliva.
  5. You can hold the tooth between your lower lip and gum or under the tongue.

Do Nots for a Knocked Out Tooth

  1. DO NOT handle the roots of the tooth, only the chewing edge which is the top portion (the crown) of the tooth.
  2. DO NOT wipe or scrape dirt or food from the root of the tooth.
  3. DO NOT brush the tooth or clean with alcohol or peroxide.

Anytime you have a broken or chipped tooth it is best to seek emergency dental services in Silver Spring, MD to save your tooth. If you have an accident and you can’t close your upper or lower teeth together, you may have a broken jaw. You need medical help immediately. Depending on your dentist’s emergency dental services, most hospitals in Silver Spring, MD have on-call dentists, and it could be possible to have your own dentist called in for such an emergency.

TIDBIT: Add a first aid item such as Save-a-Tooth or EMT Tooth Saver to your first aid kit storage container. These tooth-saving storage devices may be available at your dentist’s office. These kits contain a travel case with fluid solution.